Sunday, February 7, 2010

Festival at Wat Manoram

Wat Manoram is holding a 3-day festival to raise money to build (or maintain?) a temple. It reminded me of a village fair. They put flags up everywhere and brought in sound systems. There were vendors selling food and snacks like waffles. There were games such as dart-throwing at balloons, some kind of dice game and many of the little kids had fire crackers (which they loved throwing at everyone’s feet - yikes!). There was a big screen showing Tom & Jerry cartoons (it was fun watching the monks enjoying at Tom and Jerry). There were tables where donations could be made and the monks made trees out of the kip bills which they displayed in the temple. There was chanting and praying which the village women seemed to attend. It was a lot of fun and I suspect there will be many tired novices on Monday AM.

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